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Rebecca Louise Cram

Dance and Drama student, exploring and discovering.



In keeping with the idea of Alice in Wonderland (1951), and Alice Through the Looking Glass (1871), I have been looking at Alice in Wonderland quotes and the possibility of using these recordings as a soundscape for the performance, possibly to be intertwined with religious scriptures or prayers. Below are some of the quotes I have […]

Compromise and Adaptation


When creating a work, several obstacles can get in the way. I don’t like to make excuses but certain factors in life can hinder the creative process. For example earlier this week an old injury returned, leaving me with a bad back, shooting pains down my leg every time I moved. However not wanting to […]

Initial Ideas of the Final Work


Endurance, Repetition and Ritual


If only considering the title of Marina Abramovic’s 7th Piece Entering the Other Side (2005) it immediately makes me think of a journey. It could be linked to Alice in Wonderland who entered the other side of the mirror in Alice Through the Looking Glass. However when we add in the context of repetition and ritual I […]

Marina Abramović – Entering The Other Side


“What If Choreography is a dialogue between everybody and everything, that is involved (in it)?” (Durning, 2013) How can I demand the attention of the audience? How can I connect with an individual I have never met before without the use of any words? How can I keep their attention, is the connection lost if […]

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