Marina Abramović – Entering The Other Side


“What If Choreography is a dialogue between everybody and everything, that is involved (in it)?” (Durning, 2013)

How can I demand the attention of the audience?

How can I connect with an individual I have never met before without the use of any words?

How can I keep their attention, is the connection lost if they look away?

Is their an invitation or a willingness from the audience to want to make eye contact with me, or is this too uncomfortable for them?

Do I want them to feel comfortable or is my intention exactly the opposite?

Do I want to constantly have a connection with only people, or could it be animals or inanimate objects?

Am I trying to provoke the audience, to draw their attention to something else?

How long is too long? Just because I have my attention span seems to be drawing to its end, does the audience feel the same?

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