The How and Why of it All


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In the above images you can see two of the different silk holds that will be included within the final performance. Both require strength and endurance in order to remain for an extended period of time. I have chosen these positions as they can hold and portray different meanings. For example the hold in picture 1 has been likened to both a flower waiting to bloom and a butterfly cocoon.

In viewing my work throughout its creation and rehearsal, people have tried to pin a certain meaning onto what they are seeing. For example my Father pushed for the meaning to be my journey through training as a dancer, or training academically. He wanted to make his view of the concept apparent to everyone. However I feel that there are so many other concepts of meanings that are wrapped up within the work that I do not want to limit the reading to one interpretation. Because I am interested in how people read the work, I am going to leave posters with questions on within the space. Next to these questions will be post it notes. This way, viewers can write down their thoughts and feelings while watching the work. Sharing their views and interpretations with others who may choose to watch.

Although I am not a political person by choice, much of the work that I have created can have political applications. For example, as I have spoken about in previous posts, the fact that I am dressed as the characters of Alice and Dorothy can be linked to the struggles of the Gay community as the two characters are major icons with these people. I never intentionally begin to give my work political underpinnings, however in today’s culture, I feel it makes the work all the more important and gives viewers something familiar that they can resonate with.

Much of my creation happens when I am least expecting it. If I try and force an idea to come out, I find that I hit a wall. However when I am thinking of something else, for example when driving, or I am relaxed and just about to fall asleep, my brain conjures up an idea which makes me wonder if something is possible. I then take these subconscious thoughts to the next rehearsal and begin to make them into a reality or scrap them if they do not work.

In regards to the audience, I want to be able to connect with them. In today’s society we mainly connect through technology, there is a lack of face to face human interaction.Therefore in order to gain a connection with my audience, they need to feel comfortable. I like the idea of the questions around the room because it is another way to connect and interact in a way which may be more comfortable for them than simple eye contact. Audience’s can be unpredictable. I have no idea how many people will attend, if any! I do not know how they will react or how willing they will be to interact. In some respects, I feel it is important that the audience understands the meaning behind the work, however as I iterated earlier, I also want to give them the freedom to read the work in their own way. I want to know what is on the other side for them.

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