Work in Progress


My work, although it still has the same focus, has changed throughout the creative process. Due to the physical demand of the nature of silk work on the body, I have had to shorten the length of the piece. My original intention was for the work to have a duration of 3 hours. However I very quickly realised, that unless you are a professional aerialist, this is a very ambitious goal. Therefore I halved the time to an hour and a half. This may still be too much for my body to endure. I am currently working to a duration of 45 minutes (three 15 minute sections), with the side note that if the activity becomes too easy, and endurance is no longer so much of a problem, I will work towards the one hour 30 once again.

The Christian theme is still present, however it is more underlying, with more of a focus on the Alice in Wonderland concept. I have become more interested through the readings regarding scenography and interaction on how I can transform the traditional theatre setting into an interactive wonderland. I have included sound bites of quotes and poems from Alice in Wonderland, as well as mixing the moments of Alice finding the ‘EAT ME’ and ‘DRINK ME’ labels with the Christian ritual of eating the bread and the wine from communion. I have tried to interweave the two concepts so that both have a place and a meaning within the work.

After meeting with the LPAC technicians I have come to realise that it would not be safe to invite the audience to view from above the grid from which the silks will be suspended. Due to this, my audience viewpoints will have to change. However there could still be three options, in keeping with the original idea by playing with the proximity of the audience. On the ground level, the audience could either be close to the performance or view from the edges of the room, giving them two different perspectives, as well as allowing them to view from the existing balcony seating within the theatre.

The endurance within the piece is my ability to continually support my body weight. As with any task, the more tired you become the harder it is to succeed. Therefore will I be able to endure the full performance and still climb to the top by the end, when my muscles have started to become exhausted?

Some other questions I have been contemplating are:

What happens if over the next few weeks I am unable to successfully perform all that I intend to? Do I need to think of a contingency plan?

Does each of the 15 minute sections have a goal that I am trying to achieve? If so what? A Position? A hold? A drop?

What happens if I fall or become injured?

Do I need to have two themes running through the work, or should I just focus all of my attention on one idea?

Sounds or Silence?

Below is a video clip of some of the ideas I have been playing with. I am working on climbing higher and holding the poses, building up strength to endure the task.



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